Wing Gundam/Wing Gundam (Bird Mode)






Wing Zero/Wing Zero (Bird Mode)/Wing Zero Custom




















Deathscythe Hell/Deathscythe Hell Custom















Heavyarms Kai/Heavyarms kai Custom










Sandrock Kai/Sandrock Kai Custom













Altron/Altron Custom















Tallgeese 2



Tallgeese 3








Epyon/Epyon (Dragon Mode)



















Maganac Suits/Rashid's Suit/Olifant





Leo (Standard)/Leo (Romefeller)/Leo (w/ Shield)


Leo (w/ Dobergun)/Leo (w/ Shoulder Cannons)/Leo (Space)





Aries/Aries (Noin's)







Pisces/Pisces (Fighting Mode)



Tragos/Tragos (Fighting Mode)




Taurus (OZ)/Taurus (Sanc Kingdom)/Taurus (White Fang)








Virgo 2/Virgo 2 (Cannon)





Serpent/Serpent (w/ Plamsa Cannon)/Serpent (w/Rocket Cannon)




When the five scientists who designed the XXXG-00W0 Wing Gundam Zero in AC 180 went their separate ways, each of them took copies of the plans for their original Gundam design. Doctor J, who went into hiding in the L1 colonies, then went on to design and build his own Gundam based on their original plans. Of the five Gundams that would be built, Doctor J's XXXG-01W Wing Gundam most closely resembled the original Wing Zero in form and armament. Packing beam sabers, vulcan guns and machine cannons, its weaponry was topped off by its powerful "buster rifle," capable of firing an energy beam wide enough to destroy several enemy mobile suits in a single shot. The buster rifle's only drawback was that it was only good for three shots before it needed to be recharged. "Gundam 01," as it was code-named by the OZ forces, was also capable of transforming into a fighter-like "bird mode" for added mobility and atmospheric flight.

Of course, the Wing Gundam could take almost as much punishment as it dished out. Built of nearly-indestructible gundanium alloy, the Wing Gundam could withstand everything from heavy weapons fire to direct missile hits (even its own self-destruct system left most of the mobile suit fairly intact). These factors made the Wing Gundam an extremely tough monster to stop when it was launched to Earth to fight OZ during Operation Meteor in AC 195. And in the hands of its suicidal pilot, Heero Yuy, it was truly a force to be feared.

Before there were five Gundams, there was only one - and it existed strictly on paper. It was AC 180 - fifteen years before they would send their own respective custom-built Gundams to wage guerilla warfare on Earth - and the five eccentric scientists Doctor J, Professor G, Instructor H, Doktor S and Master O, had just completed designing the first mobile suit of that era, the OZ-00MS Tallgeese. Seeing their work being put to oppressive use in the form of mass-produced Leos - and spawned by the assassination of space colony political leader Heero Yuy - the five scientists decided to design their own mobile suit which could overpower OZ's forces. This mobile suit was the XXXG-00W0 Wing Gundam Zero, and it was a design to truly be feared. In addition to being extremely maneuverable, the Wing Zero was a transformable mobile suit, capable of transforming into a fighter-like "Neo-Bird mode" for added speed and mobility. Sporting Gatling-like machinecannons, wing-mounted vulcan guns and beam sabers, its firepower was topped by an extremely powerful twin buster rifle, capable of wiping out entire groups of mobile suits in a single shot.

However, one more factor put the Wing Zero above everything else: the cockpit's "Zero System," which allowed the pilot's mind to interface directly with the Gundam's combat computer. Although the exact nature of the Zero System's operation is unclear, it appeared to operate by "sampling" the pilot's thoughts and, combining them with current combat data, presented the pilot with various alternate outcomes. Thus, depending on the pilot's mood, the Zero System could tell him/her how to achieve total victory... or decisive defeat. Nevertheless, the mental stresses the Zero System would place on the pilot would be too great for any ordinary human to handle, and even the five mad scientists saw the dangerous turn their work was taking. And thus, the Wing Gundam Zero project was shelved. A copy of the plans went with each of the five scientists when they broke up and went underground to pursue their own individual plans for revolution against OZ. The Wing Zero design would serve as a base model for the five Gundams that would actually be built and sent to Earth.

In AC 195, unfortunate circumstances placed Gundam Sandrock pilot Quatre Raberba Winner in space without a Gundam, with a dead father, and with enemies of the very space colonists he was fighting to free. Wracked by a serious mental imbalance, Quatre discovered the abandoned work of the five scientists, and he built the Wing Zero. Mindless of its dangerous Zero System, Quatre took off to destroy anyone and everyone fighting in space. Though his mental condition was temporary, the Wing Zero's power proved truly terrible, as Quatre used it to destroy an entire space colony. After that, the Wing Gundam Zero would pass from one pilot to another until it landed in the hands of former OZ pilot Zechs Merquise, and then Gundam pilot Heero Yuy - two of the only humans known to actually master the Zero System by making use of its advantages while preventing it from driving them mad.

When the five scientists who designed the XXXG-00W0 Wing Gundam Zero in AC 180 went their separate ways, each of them took copies of the plans for their original Gundam design. Professor G, who went into hiding in the L2 colonies, then went on to design and build his own Gundam based on their original plans. With the assistance of an underground scavengers' guild known as the Sweeper Group, Professor G built a Gundam that specialized in stealthiness and close-quarters combat. His creation was called the XXXG-01D Gundam Deathscythe, and it proved to be a true mechanical terror when it was launched to Earth to fight OZ during Operation Meteor in AC 195.

"Gundam 02," as the Deathscythe was code-named by OZ forces, was equipped with standard vulcan guns and machinecannons for ranged weapons. However, its primary armament was its large, deadly beam scythe, capable of slicing through enemy mobile suits like a knife through hot butter. The Deathscythe also carried a "buster shield," which mounted two solid blades and a beam blade and could be launched spinning into a target for a rather messy, destructive effect. But in order to use these weapons effectively, the Deathscythe was also equipped with a "hyper jammer" ECM system, making the Gundam invisible to various types of electronic sensors, thus allowing the mobile suit to slip in and attack when the enemy isn't looking. The Deathscythe's pilot, Duo Maxwell, became well known as the "God of Death" for his mastery of these stealthy strikes.

When the XXXG-01D Gundam Deathscythe was captured and destroyed by OZ's forces in AC 195, the extremely durable gundanium-made remains of that mobile suit were taken to OZ's lunar base and mobile suit factory for storage. The five scientists who had built the Gundams plaguing OZ were also at the lunar base, captured and forced to develop new mobile suit technology to secure OZ's rule over Earth and the space colonies. Despite their apparent "cooperation," however, the scientists also began rebuilding the Deathscythe in secret, preparing for the day when captured Gundam pilot Duo Maxwell could return to the battlefield. That opportunity came when the Romefeller Foundation - the political force behind OZ - became split over a number of issues, and the "Treize Faction" of OZ attacked the lunar base, which at the time was still under the control of Romefeller loyalists. During the chaos, Duo managed to escape, taking his rebuilt XXXG-01D2 Gundam Deathscythe Hell to continue fighting on his own. At that time, the Deathscythe Hell was only seventy percent complete; later repairs and field upgrades would allow Duo to complete the resurrected mobile suit, bringing it up to its full combat potential.

The new Deathscythe Hell was a considerable improvement over its original form, with a more powerful twin beam scythe (which mounted a small rocket engine to give it more force when swung against multiple targets), increased speed and mobility, improved hyper jammers, and an "active cloak" system which served as both a optical/visual cloaking system (making the Gundam literally invisible to an enemy's naked eye) and as an external layer of beam-deflecting armor. These improvements allowed Duo to continue his fight against both the militaristic OZ and the radical civilian "White Fang" rebels, putting the Gundam Deathscythe Hell on an almost equal footing with White Fang's newest AI-controlled mobile dolls.

When the five scientists who designed the XXXG-00W0 Wing Gundam Zero in AC 180 went their separate ways, each of them took copies of the plans for their original Gundam design. Doktor S, who went into hiding in the L3 colonies, then went on to design and build his own Gundam based on their original plans. Built with the support of the Barton Security Group, Doktor S's XXXG-01H Gundam Heavyarms was intended to be used in the originally planned Operation Meteor, which involved dropping a space colony on Earth. Doktor S and his assistants, not wanting their Gundam to be used as a tool for mass murder, killed the Heavyarms' intended pilot, Trowa Barton. One of the mobile suit's mechanics, a mysterious and nameless young man, assumed Trowa's identity and took the Heavyarms to Earth in the "new" Operation Meteor, foregoing the colony drop and instead using the Gundam directly against OZ's military forces.

In addition to being built of almost indestructible gundanium alloy, the "Gundam 03" (as it was code-named by OZ) was a virtual walking fortress, packing an enormous amount of firepower in the form of Gatling guns, machinecannons, vulcan guns, "blind" and homing missiles, and a large shield-laden beam Gatling gun. While this firepower could overwhelm a large number of enemies, the Heavyarms often paid the price by quickly running out of ammo. However, the Gundam also carried a heated "army knife" blade on its right forearm for close combat. The "new" Trowa Barton, with his fast reflexes and acrobatic abilities, would often rely on these skills to effectively keep himself (and his Gundam) alive even when he was dry on ammo... thus ensuring that the Gundam Heavyarms would never go down without a fight.

During the military and political chaos occuring in AC 195, pilot Trowa Barton was forced to abandon his XXXG-01H Gundam Heavyarms mobile suit, leaving it behind on Earth when he went back out into space. Over the next few months, the abandoned Heavyarms would find its way into the care of guerilla rebel Sally Po. Sally, realizing the chaos would be concluded in space and that the infamous Gundam pilots would be at the very center of it, would later go into space herself, taking the Gundam with her to return it to its pilot. Aboard the independent battleship Peacemillion, Gundam supporter Howard would upgrade the groundpounding Heavyarms, outfitting it to fight in space.

Though the improvements made to the Gundam Heavyarms Kai appeared minor, they would give the mobile suit the edge it needed to deliver its firepower against the spacebound forces of White Fang's Virgo II mobile dolls and the mobile suits of the World Nation military. The addition of several vernier thrusters gave the Heavyarms stability in a zero-gee environment, and its new double beam Gatling gun increased its primary firepower to an even more devastating level.

When the five scientists who designed the XXXG-00W0 Wing Gundam Zero in AC 180 went their separate ways, each of them took copies of the plans for their original Gundam design. Instructor H, who went into hiding in the L4 colonies, then went on to design and build his own Gundam based on their original plans. His result was the XXXG-01SR Gundam Sandrock, built specifically for pilot Quatre Raberba Winner. Quatre had no intention of aiding in Operation Meteor's colony drop operation, and - against his pacifist father's wishes - took his Sandrock to Earth to meet up with the Maganac Corps in their direct fight against OZ and the oppressive Earth Alliance.

Of the five Gundams launched in the "new" Operation Meteor, "Gundam 04" (as the Sandrock was code-named by OZ) was the most heavily armored, further lending to its durability despite its almost indestructible gundanium alloy construction. The Sandrock was also the strongest - better built to handle its two very large and heavy "heat shotels," which worked as both an excellent pair of melee weapons and as throwing weapons. The heat shortels could also be coupled with the Sandrock's shield to form a "cross-crusher," a large pincer-like weapon capable of snapping mobile suits in two. Topped off by a pair of head vulcan guns and two large missiles, the Gundam Sandrock was nothing but tough through-and-through.

Although pilot Quatre Raberba Winner had activated the self-destruct system on his XXXG-01SR Gundam Sandrock during his escape into space, the ensuing explosion had rendered the mobile suit useless - but its gundanium alloy body was still more or less intact. The Sandrock's remains were be confiscated by OZ, but later would be retrieved by members of his Maganac Corps allies and taken to their underground base in the Middle East, where it would be rebuilt and fully restored. After Quatre's return to Earth, he returned to the Maganacs to pilot his Gundam once again. But the military and political strife plaguing the Earth Sphere in AC 195 would reach a decisive conclusion in space, and Quatre returned to space with his Sandrock to join the battle. Aboard the independent battleship Peacemillion, Gundam supporter Howard would upgrade the mobile suit, giving it minor improvements for space combat.

Though the changes made to the Gundam Sandrock Kai were cosmetically minor, they would give the mobile suit the edge it needed to use its abilities against the spacebound forces of White Fang's Virgo II mobile dolls and the mobile suits of the World Nation military. The addition of several vernier thrusters made the Sandrock stable to operate in a zero-gee environment, and the permanent addition of a small beam machine gun gave it more extensive ranged firepower. Over Quatre's protests, Gundam pilot Heero Yuy also temporarily outfitted the Sandrock with a component of the XXXG-00W0 Wing Gundam Zero's infamous Zero System, allowing Quatre to coordinate the Peacemillion's mobile suit forces in a major assault against White Fang's mobile dolls.

When the five scientists who designed the XXXG-00W0 Wing Gundam Zero in AC 180 went their separate ways, each of them took copies of the plans for their original Gundam design. Master O, who went into hiding in the L5 colonies, then went on to design and build his own Gundam based on their original plans. With the support and blessing of the powerful Long clan, Master O built the XXXG-01S Shenlong Gundam in anticipation of Operation Meteor. However, the Shenlong's intended pilot, Mei Lan Long, was killed during an encounter with Earth Alliance and OZ forces in AC 194. Her betrothed, Chang Wufei, took her place as the Shenlong's pilot. Not wanting to use the Gundam as a tool for genocide, Wufei refused to take part in Operation Meteor's planned colony drop, instead taking his Gundam (named "Nataku" after Mei Lan's nickname in her memory) to Earth to fight OZ's forces directly in a bid for revenge.

Constructed with nearly-indestructible gundanium alloy, "Gundam 05" (as it was code-named by OZ's forces) was armed with the standard head vulcan guns, but being a mobile suit for close combat, it carried a beam glaive as a primary weapon. "Shen long" is Chinese for "god dragon," and the Shenlong Gundam lived up to its name, as its other main weapon was its "dragon fang," composed of the flexibly long right arm and a "dragon head" claw. The dragon fang arm worked effectively both as a grappling and a striking weapon, and it also mounted a pair of flamethrowers, giving the dragon a little more "bite." The Shenlong also carried a "shenlong shield," which doubled as a good throwing weapon. With the same deadly ferocity as his own martial arts skills, Wufei would use his Nataku as his sword of justice against OZ.

When the XXXG-01S Shenlong Gundam was captured and destroyed by OZ's forces in AC 195, the extremely durable gundanium-made remains of that mobile suit were taken to OZ's lunar base and mobile suit factory for storage. The five scientists who had built the Gundams plaguing OZ were also at the lunar base, captured and forced to develop new mobile suit technology to secure OZ's rule over Earth and the space colonies. Despite their apparent "cooperation," however, the scientists also began rebuilding the Shenlong in secret, preparing for the day when captured Gundam pilot Chang Wufei could return to the battlefield. That opportunity came when the Romefeller Foundation - the political force behind OZ - became split over a number of issues, and the "Treize Faction" of OZ attacked the lunar base, which at the time was still under the control of Romefeller loyalists. During the chaos, Wufei managed to escape, taking his rebuilt XXXG-01S2 Altron Gundam to continue fighting on his own. At that time, the Altron was only seventy percent complete; later repairs and field upgrades would allow Wufei to complete the resurrected mobile suit, bringing it up to its full combat potential.

The improvements given to the new XXXG-01S2 Altron Gundam were very dramatic. The old beam glaive was replaced with a double-ended twin beam trident, and both arms were outfitted with the highly effective "dragon fang" extending arms and claws (hence the Altron name, taken from the Chinese "ertou long" or "two-headed dragon"). Along with increased mobility, the Altron also mounted a pair of beam cannons on a "stinger tail," giving it effective ranged firepower for space combat (as well as being able to cover its rear). These upgrades turned the resurrected "Nataku" into an incredible force, allowing Wufei to continue his fight for justice against oppression.

It was in the year AC 175 when OZ, an affiliate of the Romefeller Foundation, was charged with designing and building the first combat-capable mobile suit of that Era. The results exceeded all expectations, as the OZ-00MS Tallgeese proved so powerful that no ordinary pilot could handle it. Although equipped with a pair of beam sabers and a shell-firing "dobergun," the Tallgeese's biggest advantage was its size and speed. Being a large and heavy mobile suit, it required an enormous amount of thrust for jumping and maneuvering. However, its designers equipped it with a tremendous vernier rocket system that gave it enough thrust to maintain flight on its own - over three times the acceleration of OZ's later air combat model mobile suit, the OZ-07AMS Aires. However, the sheer stress and G-forces placed upon the pilot made the Tallgeese too much of a "wild horse" for anyone to handle, and the mobile suit was disassembled and put into storage, ostensibly to serve as a "museum piece."

Although the five scientists who designed the Tallgeese left OZ to follow other pursuits after colony leader Heero Yuy's assassination, OZ began full-scale mobile suit production, using the Tallgeese as the basis for its smaller, less-powerful OZ-06MS Leo units. It wasn't until twenty years later that the Tallgeese would resurface when OZ pilot Zechs Merquise, desparate to find a weapon capable of helping him take on those same scientists' powerful Gundam mobile suits, would bring the Tallgeese out of mothballs and make it operational again. Despite the physical punishment, Zechs would become the only pilot to master the prototype mobile suit, making it his personal unit through most of the fighting and political strife that occured in AC 195.

As the military and political conflicts plaguing the Earth Sphere in AC 195 were coming to an end, Treize Khushrenada, leader of OZ and the World Nation, decided to lead his soldiers personally into the final battle. Using spare parts left over from the OZ-00MS Tallgeese's development, Treize built the OZ-00MS2 Tallgeese II. Treize's mobile suit was technically identical to the original OZ-00MS Tallgeese used by former OZ pilot Zechs Merquise. The only differences between the two mobile suits were purely cosmetic: a blue-on-white paint scheme, and a Gundam-style face and "plume" on the head.

Designed during the last days of the "Eve Wars" conflicts of After Colony Era Year 195, the OZ-00MS2B Tallgeese III was intended to be another personal mobile suit of OZ leader Treize Khushrenada. However, its advanced weaponry took a while to develop, and the Tallgeese III was not ready in time for the war's end. However, the completed Tallgeese III did end up in the care of the new Earth Sphere United Nation's Preventers agency, and it would later be used in combat by Zechs Merquise - former leader of White Fang and now a Preventer agent, code-named "Wind". The Tallgeese III made its first appearance during the Mariemaia Army's revolt on Christmas Eve in Year 196 of the After Colony Era. Former White Fang leader Zechs Merquise, who had been presumed dead for the previous year, made a surprise reappearance, joining the United Earth Nation's Preventer agency to combat the Mariemaia threat. Zechs would use the Tallgeese III in combat against the rebellious Mariemaia Army, almost single-handedly destroying or holding off many of their new MMS-01 Serpent units.

The Tallgeese III was a major improvement over the previous Tallgeese and Tallgeese II designs. For close combat, the Tallgeese III mounted a large shield which contained a retractable heat rod similar to that previously used on Zechs' OZ-13MS Gundam Epyon. The traditional pair of beam sabers remained intact, though the addition of a pair of head-mounted vulcan guns for close-range defense was a minor improvement. The Tallgeese III's primary weapon was its mega cannon, which replaced the original Tallgeese's dober gun. The mega cannon was extremely powerful - almost as powerful as the Wing Gundam Zero's twin buster rifle. Zechs used the Tallgeese III's mega cannon to destroy the Mariemaia Army's MO-III asteroid base with one shot.

Designed and built by OZ leader Treize Khushrenada during the political and military chaos occuring in AC 195, the OZ-13MS Gundam Epyon was intended to be the physical manifestation of Treize's martial ideals. Based on combat data acquired on the Gundams fighting OZ and the Romefeller Foundation, the Gundam Epyon ("epyon" is Greek for "next") was intended to be the perfect weapon for Treize's envisioned perfect soldier.
Rather than incorporating ranged weapons used by "cowardly" soldiers with no warrior's sense of fulfillment, Treize armed the Epyon with only two weapons: a razor-sharp, retractable tentacle heat rod - effective for both grappling and slicing enemies at high speed - and a large beam sword, connected directly to the mobile suit's generator via a power cable. These "duelist's" weapons were the only weapons a "true" soldier would need, and Treize, seeing the personal philosophies he lived by embodied in the Gundam pilots, waited until the day he could give his perfect weapon to one of these perfect soldiers. In addition to these melee weapons, the Epyon could transform into a mobile armor mode for atmospheric flight and added speed and mobility.

That day came when Treize - having withdrawn his support for the Romefeller Foundation's new direction of purpose - was under seige in his Luxenbourg headquarters by Romefeller loyalists attempting to take out Treize and his proud supporters. Gundam pilot Heero Yuy arrived on the scene, and his meeting with Treize ended in Heero's acquiring the Gundam Epyon for his personal use. To Heero's surprise, the Epyon incorporated a dangerous cockpit system similar to that of the XXXG-00W0 Wing Gundam Zero - one that interfaced directly with the pilot's mind, eliminating all doubts and fears and providing its pilot with unquestionable knowledge of his enemies and the ability to achieve total victory. Heero, having already had this disturbing experience with the Wing Zero, quickly mastered this new Gundam's "Epyon System," though he would later end up trading mobile suits with former OZ pilot Zechs Merquise, who had just recently acquired the Wing Zero himself. Zechs would keep the Gundam Epyon for the remainder of the fighting occuring that year, leading his own soulless mobile doll "troops" on the front lines against Treize's World Nation and the Gundam pilots.

When the five scientists who built the Gundam mobile suits plaguing OZ during AC 195 were captured, OZ put them to work developing new technologies for its next generation of mobile weapons - giving them the ability to tackle the Gundam problem. Two testbed units were built, the OZ-13MSX1 Vayeate and the OZ-13MSX2 Mercurius. Whereas the Vayeate was designed as an offensive mobile suit, the Mercurius was designed primarily as a defensive unit. Since the Mercurius ("mercurius" being Greek for "speaker" or "orator") was intended to be as powerful as the infamous Gundams - and needed proper combat test data for future mobile doll programming - OZ forced captured Gundam pilot Heero Yuy to be the Mercurius' test pilot. The Mercurius, built on the same basic frame as its Vayeate twin, was armed only with a small beam gun and a "crash shield," which was simply a large shield mounting a beam saber for close combat. The Mercurius' most important tool, however, was its group of "planet defensers," which were small hovering units whose positions and deployment could be remote-controlled by the Mercurius' pilot. The planet defensers generated an almost-impenetrable energy field, capable of absorbing all but the most powerful energy weapon attacks. The planet defensers could be used to protect the Mercurius itself, or another unit - such as its offensive-roll Vayeate brethren.

When the five scientists who built the Gundam mobile suits plaguing OZ during AC 195 were captured, OZ put them to work developing new technologies for its next generation of mobile weapons - giving them the ability to tackle the Gundam problem. Two testbed units were built, the OZ-13MSX1 Vayeate and the OZ-13MSX2 Mercurius. Whereas the Mercurius was designed as a defensive mobile suit, the Vayeate was designed primarily as an offensive unit. Since the Vayeate was intended to be as powerful as the infamous Gundams - and needed proper combat test data for future mobile doll programming - OZ selected one of its own pilots, an extremely capable young man named Trowa Barton (unknown to OZ as actually being one of the Gundam pilots) to be its test pilot.

The Vayeate, built on the same basic frame as its Mercurius twin, was armed only with a large beam cannon. This cannon was designed to provide a damaging blow almost equivalent to that of the XXXG-01W Wing Gundam's powerful buster rifle. To overcome the problem of the buster rifle's limited charge, the scientists designed a large energy collector, providing the Vayeate's beam cannon with a virtually limitless "ammunition" charge.

Despite the expansion of the Earth Alliance's spheres of influence and military strength, some pockets of people in the Earth Sphere continued to resist despite the overwhelming odds. One of these groups was the Maganac Corps ("maganac" being taken from the Tagalog word for "family"), a band of Arabic freedom fighters operating primarily out of the Middle East region of Earth. They built their own frontline mobile suit, the WMS-03 Maganac, and it proved itself to be slightly more formidable than OZ's mainstay unit, the OZ-06MS Leo, in terms of fighting ability and firepower (as well as due to the more disciplined skills of the Maganac pilots). The Maganac Corps would operate their Maganac units for several years, hiding from the Earth Alliance and OZ at times while resisting fiercely at others. Many of the Maganac Corps' members also customized their own Maganacs in one way or another, either cosmetically, or in the case of the Corps' squad leaders, with additional armor and weapons.

A variant of the Maganac Corps' standard WMS-03 Maganac, the WMS-04 Olifant was essentially a fast attack unit, using a modified Maganac body and a pair of large legs which house jet engines and hovercraft systems, enabling the Olifant to skim across the desert at high speed. It also mounted a large beam gun and a turret-mounted Gatling gun, making the Olifant an excellent fire support unit.

When the OZ-00MS Tallgeese mobile suit prototype proved too expensive and unfeasible for most pilots to handle, the Tallgeese's design was downgraded into a simpler, less-powerful unit. Naming their mobile suits after signs of the Zodiac, OZ's first mass-produced unit was called the OZ-06MS Leo ("Leo" being the fifth Zodiac sign meaning "lion" - perhaps in reference to the lion symbol of the Romefeller Foundation). The Leo would serve as the mainstay of the mobile suit forces for the Earth Alliance military, the Specials force, and later OZ and its Romefeller Foundation masters.

First introduced into service in AC 175, the Leo was slowly upgraded over the years leading up to the outbreak of total war in AC 195. By that time, the Leo had actually changed very little from earlier models. The primary reason for the Leo's long service record was its simple adaptability: in addition to a wide variety of hand weapons, the Leo could be outfitted with a winged thruster pack for limited atmospheric flight capability. Other Leo variants include:

Leo Cannon Type: An upgraded version of the OZ-06MS, the Leo Cannon Type was identical to the standard model used in AC 195 except for the addition of a pair of beam cannons on the shoulders. The Leo Cannon Type was usually used by officers and unit commanders.

Leo Early Type: An older version of the OZ-06MS, the Leo Early Type was almost completely identical to the standard unit used in AC 195, with only minor (cosmetic) differences. Despite its age, this version of the Leo was still in use in more remote areas of Earth, including Colonel Bunto's breakaway nation in former China.

Leo Space Type: Requiring a mobile suit force to help police (read "blockade") travel and commerce between the space colonies, OZ and the Earth Alliance adapted the standard Leo for space use with the addition of a booster backpack equipped with rocket and vernier thrusters. This Leo variant also carried a beam rifle similar to that of the standard Leo, except that it was fitted with a radar disc for targeting in place of the usual optical sensor.

Another early design produced by OZ during the After Colony Era, the OZ-07AMS Aries was built expressly for aerial combat. Mounting a pair of large jet engine housings on its shoulders and aerodynamic control surfaces, the Aries (named after the first Zodiac sign meaning "ram") was fully capable of independent atmospheric flight. It was also OZ's first variable mobile suit/jet fighter, as its legs deployed for walking and folded up into its body for flight. The Aries could also be loaded with a limited number of chainrifles and missile pods on its external wing hardpoints.

Developed in the early AC 190s, OZ's first amphibious mobile suit was the OZ-08MMS Cancer. The Cancer, despite its lack of legs, could operate underwater, changing into a submarine-like form for speed and maneuverability. Using hydrojet engines in its main body for propulsion, its maneuvering was handled by a ring of reversible side-spinning propeller blades on each arm. The arms also each mounted a large pincer-like claw, which could be used to grapple targets, and each claw contained a pair of torpedo launchers, giving the Cancer the ability to deliver a nasty blow to anything it grabbed. The general shape of the Cancer resembled its namesake, with "cancer" being the fourth Zodiac sign meaning "crab".


The OZ-09MMS Pisces (named after the twelfth Zodiac sign meaning "fish") was considered a state-of-the-art amphibious mobile suit when it was introduced into service by OZ in the early AC 190s. Unlike the Cancer, however, the Pisces was a truly transformable mobile suit, changing from a submarine form into a "complete" mobile suit with legs, allowing it to stand on the ocean floor or even walk ashore for amphibious assaults. Its main drive propellers turned into "fingers" for the Pisces' "hands" when in mobile suit mode, although they limited in their ability to handle and manipulate objects. The Pisces mounted a half-dozen torpedo launchers in each shoulder, giving it more firepower than the Cancer.

One of the earliest mobile suits manufactured by OZ, the OZ-07MS Tragos was designed primarily as a heavy fire support unit. In addition to being able to mount a pair of large cannons, the Tragos also had the option of a hovercraft system fitted over its legs, making it faster and more mobile on open and flat terrain. If necessary, the hover system could be ejected, allowing the Tragos to walk on its legs like a normal mobile suit. The Tragos is also the only OZ-produced mobile suit not named after a sign of the Zodiac - "tragos" means "goat" in Greek, though it could be considered a substitute for the tenth Zodiac sign of Capricorn, meaning "sea-goat".



Introduced shortly after the appearance of the dreaded Gundams, OZ's newest mobile suit, the OZ-12SMS Taurus (named after the second Zodiac sign meaning "bull") was a truly advanced unit, being designed primarily for space combat but also serving well as a transformable fighter in atmosphere. Its mobility and high speed made the Taurus one of the most respected and feared mobile suits to be developed by OZ. However, the Taurus was also designed with the new "mobile doll" system, turning the normally manned Taurus into an unmanned, highly-reactive and accurate machine controled by an AI system. Though it would eventually be supplanted by the first dedicated mobile doll unit, the OZ-02MD Virgo, the Taurus would find its way into the service of many factions, including the White Fang revolutionary army, the defense forces of the pacifist Sanc Kingdom, and even the secret Mariemaia Army the following year.


Following the development of new offensive and defensive mobile suit systems at OZ's lunar base in AC 195, Romefeller's Engineer Tubarov went to Luna to take charge of the design and construction of OZ's new "mobile doll" units, which were remotely-commanded, unmanned mobile suits operated by an artificial intelligence system. Incorporating the destructive self-powering beam cannon design from the OZ-13MSX1 Vayeate and the planet defenser system from the OZ-13MSX2 Mercurius, Tubarov built his new OZ-02MD Virgo mobile dolls. Scores of these soulless mechanical troops were dispatched to Earth, wiping out armed resistance opposing the rule of the Romefeller Foundation. Romefeller's new ideal was centered around the mobile doll, in their vain attempt to bring "peace" and "order" to Earth without a high cost in human lives. With tremendous firepower as well as the ability to shrug it off, the Virgos became the unstoppable new symbol of Romefeller's power. The Virgo was named after the sixth sign of the Zodiac, meaning "virgin"... perhaps an appropriate name considering that it doesn't need a human inside it to function.

As OZ-02MD Virgo mobile dolls marched across Earth, annihilating all armed resistance to the Romefeller Foundation's new world order in AC 195, new trouble was brewing among the space colonies. Armed civilian radicals, calling themselves the "White Fang," staged a military revolution against OZ, and subsequently they took over OZ's lunar mobile doll factory. OZ Engineer Tubarov, despite the obvious success of the Virgo, had already been hard at work developing a new-and-improved version of his technological terror. However, his death during the battles taking place inside the lunar factory left his work unfinished. When White Fang secured control of the base, they found the plans and parts for the improved-model Virgo. White Fang finished assembly of this new line of mobile doll with the parts available, giving it their own model number and naming it WF-02MD Virgo II. Like its predecessor, the Virgo II relied on planet defensers to deflect incoming weapons attacks, although its powerful but slow-firing beam cannon could be replaced with a more normal, rapid-firing beam rifle. The Virgo IIs would become the mainstay of White Fang's mobile weapon force in their "Artemis Revolution" against Earth and the oppressive Romefeller Foundation.

Originally developed in AC 195 as a replacement for the aging OZ-06MS Leo, the OZ-17MS Serpent's production lines at the X-18999 space colony were seized by the Barton Foundation following that year's military and political strife. The Barton Foundation then began production of 500 Serpent units (now re-designated MMS-01) for its puppet military force, the Mariemaia Army. Intent on using the Mariemaia Army's force against the now de-militarized Earth Sphere United Nation, the Barton Foundation intended to follow through with its original plans to seize control of the Earth Sphere.

The MMS-01 Serpent, like its Leo predecessor, was a versatile mobile suit capable of being equipped for both space and land combat. Built of the new-and-improved neo-titanium alloy, the Serpent was physically almost as tough as the gundanium-armored Gundams, but much less expensive to produce. Armed with shoulder missile launchers, the Serpent could also carry a variety of hand-carried weapons, such as a bazooka, a large beam cannon or a double-barreled Gatling gun similar to that carried by the XXXG-01H2 Modified Gundam Heavyarms. Since the Earth Sphere United Nation had scrapped all of its military weapons - including mobile suits - the Serpent was not armed with any hand-to-hand combat weapons.